Healthy Foods
A sensible healthy diet will go a long way towards
maintaining clear beautiful sparkling eyes for a lifetime
and will significantly slow the onset of deteriorating
vision and other eye problems.
You are never too young and it's never too late to start a
healthy dietary regime to help protect your eyes from risk.
There are many people who have good eyesight into their
eighties and beyond. Ageing does not automatically mean
that your eyesight will diminish but as ageing progresses
changes can occur that may weaken the ability to see.
This can occur as early as the teen years if not earlier.
Sensible precautions to avoid eye strain by spending too
long staring at a computer screen, reading small print in
bad light, avoiding smoky ill ventilated atmospheres and so
on are obvious.
What is less well known is the importance of diet to
protect the eyes. The right food for your eyes is essential
for optimum eye health.
Fish Oil may help to protect and promote healthy retinal
function and has been found to assist in preventing the
onset of Macular Degeneration, the leading cause of
Cod liver oil or fish oil capsules taken daily as a regular
addition to your diet is probably the least likely to be
Salmon, trout, herrings and any other tasty oily fish can
make an occasional and enjoyable meal to supplement the
Fresh Vegetables and Fruit are very important in helping to
maintain effective vision health. Green leafy vegetables
contain carotenoides, principally Beta-carotene and Lutein.
Both are antioxidants and are found in spinach,
kale,brussel sprouts, broccoli, collard greens, and
similar. Egg Yolks also contain beneficial carotenoids.
Berries. Dark berries, such as blackberries blueberries,
blackcurrants,cranberries,bilberries will have a beneficial
effect by stregthening the capilleries that carry nutrients
to the eyes.
Avoid the fats found in many processed and baked foods
These will include margerines,fried foods, doughnuts,
cookies, pastries, french fries, and biscuits.
These non beneficial fats, known as Trans Fat should not be
confused with Omega-3 fatty acids found in Salmon, Trout,
Tuna and other oily fish which can decrease the risk of eye
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a slow but
progressive degeneration of central vision for which there
is arguably no cure. Risk factors for AMD include genetic
inheritance, smoking, high blood pressure or simply
advancing age.
It is the most common cause of blindness. Many sufferers of
AMD or who are at risk of the disease have no factors that
can they can control to mitigate or avoid the onset of the
disease with the possible exception of nutrition.
Studies have shown that individuals with the highest
consumption of dark leaved green vegetables rich in
carotenoids, such as raw spinach or kale had a
significantly lower chance of developing AMD than those who
ate these foods the least.
High levels of antioxidant vitamins and zinc can also be
effective in lowering the risk of developing the disease
and can also slow its progression.
There is a school of thought that the bilberry or blueberry
can prevent or even reverse AMD and sufferers are advised
to investigate this as a possible treatment. These studies
clearly show the importance of nutrition in prevention and
slowing the development of AMD.
Do obtain qualified medical advice before taking high dose
nutritional supplements for the control of AMD as there may
be other risk factors, not associated with eye care, to
take into account. This is particularly important for smoker
Jaks Lloyd is a former photographic fashion model. She now
lives in Spain and indulges her creative talents by writing
and building innovative authority websites.
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