The 3 Best Butt Exercises for a Slim and Sexy Butt
One of the most asked questions from women are what are thebest butt exercises to firm my butt? This area seems tobe a problem area for most women, and if you do the rightexercises, you can see some great results.
Here are the 3 top exercises that every woman needs to knowif they want a slim and sexy butt:
1. Squats- This exercise not only targets the glutes anddepending what position you are in they can activate yourupper thighs. To perform a squat you would pretend as ifyou are going to sit down on a chair, with feet shoulderwidth apart, knees bent, and hold weights at your side. It’s important to keep your head up and back straightand keep your feet pointed straight ahead. If your feetare pointed outward it may cause your hips to be tight. The deeper you go, the more you feel your glutes activated.Do anywhere from 8-15 repetitions. Another version of thesquat is called a pop squat. This is similar to a squat,using no weight. Simply stay in a squat position withknees bent and jump up and pull your feet together and jumpout with feet apart and repeat this movement. Perform15-30 repetitions. To make this more challenging swingyour arms all the way up when you jump up and try jumpingup as high as you can off the ground. A few sets of theseand you will be seeing your butt looking slim and sexy inno time.
2. Single Leg Deadlift- This exercise requires balance. Start out with a lighter weight until you get the hang ofit. Stand on one leg, with a slightly bent knee and theother leg off the ground and straight back. Bend at yourwaist and hold a weight on the same side that you are goingdown on. As you bend at your waist, make sure the weightis in front of your leg. The idea is to touch the weight tothe ground or as close as possible, then come back up andrepeat. Perform 8-15 repetitions and switch legs. Since youare doing this exercise on one leg at a time you areactually doing twice the work, which means twice the burntowards a slim and sexy butt.
3. Lunges-These are great for shaping the whole leg all theway up to your butt. You can perform what is called awalking lunge with weights or without.If you are doingthis with weights, you would hold the weights by your sideand walk. Make sure as you walk you are bending your kneeand lunging forward. Keep you head up and back straight. Also, make sure that your knee doesn’t go over yourtoe. Count on each leg moving forward about 16-20 stepsand back, this is equal to 1 set. There are other ways youcan perform a lunge. Another way is to do them in place andalternate between each leg.
Doing these top 3 exercises are the most effective for aslim and sexy butt, and also burn a lot of calories. Forget about doing leg lifts, these just don’tproduce the results to a firm butt, since they don’tactivate the glute muscles as they should. If you stickwith these simple exercises you will get results.
Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder OfFat Loss For Women online community. Learn the secrets tothe best workouts for a slim and sexy butt by signing upfor the fat burning updates and receive your FREE copy of"Blast Cellulite Now"
Here are the 3 top exercises that every woman needs to knowif they want a slim and sexy butt:
1. Squats- This exercise not only targets the glutes anddepending what position you are in they can activate yourupper thighs. To perform a squat you would pretend as ifyou are going to sit down on a chair, with feet shoulderwidth apart, knees bent, and hold weights at your side. It’s important to keep your head up and back straightand keep your feet pointed straight ahead. If your feetare pointed outward it may cause your hips to be tight. The deeper you go, the more you feel your glutes activated.Do anywhere from 8-15 repetitions. Another version of thesquat is called a pop squat. This is similar to a squat,using no weight. Simply stay in a squat position withknees bent and jump up and pull your feet together and jumpout with feet apart and repeat this movement. Perform15-30 repetitions. To make this more challenging swingyour arms all the way up when you jump up and try jumpingup as high as you can off the ground. A few sets of theseand you will be seeing your butt looking slim and sexy inno time.
2. Single Leg Deadlift- This exercise requires balance. Start out with a lighter weight until you get the hang ofit. Stand on one leg, with a slightly bent knee and theother leg off the ground and straight back. Bend at yourwaist and hold a weight on the same side that you are goingdown on. As you bend at your waist, make sure the weightis in front of your leg. The idea is to touch the weight tothe ground or as close as possible, then come back up andrepeat. Perform 8-15 repetitions and switch legs. Since youare doing this exercise on one leg at a time you areactually doing twice the work, which means twice the burntowards a slim and sexy butt.
3. Lunges-These are great for shaping the whole leg all theway up to your butt. You can perform what is called awalking lunge with weights or without.If you are doingthis with weights, you would hold the weights by your sideand walk. Make sure as you walk you are bending your kneeand lunging forward. Keep you head up and back straight. Also, make sure that your knee doesn’t go over yourtoe. Count on each leg moving forward about 16-20 stepsand back, this is equal to 1 set. There are other ways youcan perform a lunge. Another way is to do them in place andalternate between each leg.
Doing these top 3 exercises are the most effective for aslim and sexy butt, and also burn a lot of calories. Forget about doing leg lifts, these just don’tproduce the results to a firm butt, since they don’tactivate the glute muscles as they should. If you stickwith these simple exercises you will get results.
Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder OfFat Loss For Women online community. Learn the secrets tothe best workouts for a slim and sexy butt by signing upfor the fat burning updates and receive your FREE copy of"Blast Cellulite Now"
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