Friday, October 13, 2006

5 Weight Loss Success Secrets

This probably isn't the first time you have started reading
a weight loss article with the hopes of finding a new
training idea or totally secret fat busting strategy. I can
I've seen clients spend months on routines and
techniques that were just the flavor of the month that got
some press. Its alright though, your about to learn some
real solid advice that's free of charge and will serve you
well on your quest to getting in shape.

The first secret of getting in shape and losing some weight
is to make sure you know what you are doing! Make sure you
have the proper information that you need to help speed you
toward your specific goal. Make sure you know how to eat
properly and train correctly to get that result you desire.
Power lifters eat and train differently than fitness models
and you should know the differences. The best way to
acquire this knowledge is through articles like this as
well as mimicking. Find an expert in the area you wish to
excel in and then follow their advice. While this can back
fire sometimes, it is still the surest bet to success.

The second step to success on your weight loss journey is
to make sure you can quantify your success. In other words,
know when you have achieved your weight loss goal. Make
sure you can measure it! Then once you know your weight
loss goal and how to measure it, you need to make a map to
getting there.

If you have a child, then you know the importance of
directions and sticking to a plan. If you are walking to
the store that is 10 minutes down the road, this trip could
easily turn into an hour if you didn't step in with
directions every now and then. You can picture it cant you?
Walking along, then there is a butterfly, then a cool rock
and look, a swing set! Sometimes to get things done in an
efficient manner, you need to know what you are trying to
accomplish and how you plan to get there. If you don't, it
could take you forever.

In the number three spot of weight loss secrets, we have
self-confidence and belief. Go ahead and tell me you can't
lose weight. Go ahead! Done? Good, now this is where I tell
you that you are absolutely correct. Shocking isn't it?
Can't is a word that makes you sit there defeated. Nothing
gets done in a defeated state! Its actually better to get
angry than defeated, because then at least you are spurred
to action. Trying is better than "Canting". Here is the big
mind smack though; belief is so strong that hypnotized
people that have an ice cube put on them but are told that
it is a hot coal, will develop a blister.

Sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it. Fake
that you believe in yourself until the concept doesn't seem
so foreign that maybe it will become true for you. The fact
of the matter is that you should believe in yourself
because with proper knowledge and dedication, everyone can
achieve their weight loss goals.

If you have been reading this far then the number four
secret of weight loss success is very, very important. Are
you ready for it? Here it is; Stop listening to every piece
of advice you get! This seems kind of ironic since here I
am giving you more advice, but it is still true. Nothing
can short circuit your forward momentum like a piece of
advice that is the opposite of what you have been doing. It
rocks your world!
This can be good if you were just
shooting in the dark hoping for the best, but if you have a
solid weight loss plan that you were given by a solid
source and then get messed up by Joe the local gym expert,
you're sunk. Make sure that you are confident in your
information source right from the beginning and then
resolve to stick with that information. A lot of different
methods will work to achieve weight loss, but these methods
usually work as a system.
Therefore, if you jump from
system to system, you will not get the benefits from any
given weight loss system.

We are almost at the end of our weight loss secrets for
today. Of course there are more weight loss tips and
tricks, but five is about right for a weight loss knowledge
snack. So onto the number five secret to losing weight;
Don't overdo it. Simple huh? Think about the number of
times you have started off with both guns blazing and then
ran out of ammunition. I know, I do this for a living. What
happens is that most people figure they are going to lose
30 pounds in 30 days and they are going to kick butt to do
So they start off all fired up, get real sore, their
immune system crashes, they get sick and then they give up.
Wow, that was like I had a camera following you, scary. Its
just that it happens to a lot of weight loss hopefuls.

So how do you avoid revving the engine and running out of
gas? You avoid rapid starts and stops. Ease onto the gas,
and maintain steady pressure. You only need to do
resistance training a couple of times a week along with 3-4
cardio sessions to realize your weight loss success. Don't
rush the cookies! You can't crank the stove to 600 degrees
and get home made cookies in 3 minutes. They will burn.
You'll burn out too if you rush your way to losing weight.

Here is the recap to weight loss success. Get the
information you need to achieve your desired goal that you
have picked out. Make a plan with success markers along the
way and believe every step of the way that you are going to
lose the weight this time. Fake it until you make it. Never
let anyone shake you confidence with bogus advice and
remember to slow bake your cookies!

Ray L Burton is a personal trainer and author of the best
selling internet ebook titled, Fat to Fit - The Journey.
You can learn more about exercise and wieght loss at and read more about his weight
loss book at

Aloe Vera Plant: Beneficial For Your Skin

Many may not be familiar with the benefits and importance of
Aloe Vera even though it has been around for a very long time.
They are desert lilies and belong to the same family. It grows
wild in Madagascar and in parts of Africa. As it so useful and
beneficial you can find it world over, packed and sealed. There
are more than 300 varieties of Aloe Vera plant with many
different medicinal benefits.
With very high water content nearly 96% it has been leisurely
used by the people to recover from their skin problems. It has
so many good properties that it would be very hard to even
count them. It has a very good healing capacity and is mainly
used for burns, blisters, insect bites and other allergic skin
It provides you with one of the most natural ways of healing.
You can term this plant as a beauty product due to the miracles
it does on your skin, which is one of the most visible parts of
your whole body. It is mainly used to shrink warts which are
very common. The other painful problems like shingles also tend
to heal due to Aloe Vera.
It has become a growing business for people who have come to
understand its benefits. You can have it in juice form too
which is good for other problems you are suffering from. Aloe
Vera helps you from some of the most common diseases like
insomnia, heartburn, congestion, arthritis, asthma and also
lowers your sugar level.
It is widely used as a moisturizer and anti-ageing cream. The
gel has some of the most important properties which moisturizes
your skin and makes it soft. If you suffer from second degree
burns Aloe Vera's natural gel is what you should apply for a
speedy recovery. 
Sun burn or sun tan has turned out to be one of the major
problems for people due global warming and other climatic
changes. Aloe Vera has been widely used to protect you from
such problems. It can also be used as an ointment for your
backache or other pains you suffer from. 
To avoid dark circles under your eyes you can use this gel
every night before sleeping to have less tired and more
beautiful eyes. It also helps with any skin irritation caused
due to infection or bacteria. It can also be used for minor
It helps in reducing swelling and relieving pain. The plant gel
has been known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and
anti-viral properties to help you from most of your problems.
As the gel enters your skin very easily it becomes one of the
biggest sources of anti-ageing products.

About The Author: Sharon Hopkins webmaster for sites like can do wonders for you with
information provided in your very own home. Information on hair
and skin care and knowledge about products is also given. Aloe
Vera plant has number of properties beneficial for your skin.

Aromatherapy As Appetite Control

On a daily basis the newspaper is full of reports as to how
more and more Americans are becoming obese. Many people live on
diets that consist of sugars, starch, over-processed foods, and
white flour. This nutrient-depleted diet, combined with
sedentary lifestyles, has caused one of the largest obesity
epidemics this country has ever known. When living in an
appearance-obsessed society, obesity can have more devastating
effects on a person then merely their expanding waist line.
Obesity leads to many serious illnesses, examples of which are:
heart disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems,
circulatory problems, and diabetes. The larger one becomes, the
more likely one is to be inactive. Daily exercise that results
in the pumping of fresh, oxygenated blood throughout the
system. Without which, the results are dire and the
consequences may be deadly.
There are many reasons that cause people to overeat. The root
of the problem is often emotional rather than physical. It is
important for those who are struggling with obesity to take the
time to not only exercise the body but also to conduct the inner
work of self-realization and healing to begin to tackle the
underlying issues of why they overeat. It is important to
determine if one's overeating is a result of emotional triggers
such as anger, sadness, depression, or low self esteem. Some
people tend to overeat to combat boredom. When left feeling as
if they have nothing else to do, they want to feed themselves.
Others may have used overeating since childhood to comfort
themselves after lonely or traumatic experiences. Ultimate
health and success of every person depends upon determining
what triggers his or her addiction to food. ALong with the
necessary inner work, it is also important to take a examine
one's diet and take the necessary steps to replace unhealthy
foods and snacks with their healthy counterparts. This means
substituting fruits and vegetables in place of refined white
flour, sugar, and empty calories.
It is important to consume foods that are as close as possible
to their natural or live state. Whenever possible, fruits and
vegetables should be eaten in raw, organic form. Exercise is
another important area where change must be made. It is crucial
to remember that a person who has been living a sedentary
lifestyle is not in appropriate physical shape to immediately
manage a strenuous workout. The exercise changes that are
necessary should focus more on establishing a routine than on
performance. To implement these lifestyle changes, commitment
and practice should be the goal. The actual exercise should
consist of a series of gentle movements such as a daily walk,
swimming, or incorporating yoga to the lifestyle. Once the
daily exercise habit forms, then the one may shift focus to
adding strength training, or additional cardiovascular
workouts. Begin by simply including 20 minutes of daily
movement and then increase from there.
Aromatherapy is beneficial for decreasing appetite. It is also
a powerful way to reinforce one's new mindset and to overcome
food addiction. It is highly effective for those who are eat
food as comfort. For those who know that they do not need to
eat for your survival, but instead want to eat out of boredom,
depression, or for another emotional reason, when faced with a
craving, they can satisfy it with aromatherapy. Another thing
to try is to increase water consumption. It is vital that one
consumes enough water daily to maintain one's body in perfect
form. Often the brain will signal that it is thirsty, and we
mistakenly feed it instead. One recipe for an appetite
controlling scent is to combine 1 drop of Clary Sage, 1 drop of
Sandalwood, and 1 drop of Ylang Ylang essential oils and blend.
In order to make a massage oil out of this, add it to a carrier
oil, such as sweet almond, apricot kernel, or grapeseed oil and
apply to pressure points. For immediate relief of cravings it
may also be used in an inhalant, in an aromatic bath, or in the
form of aromatherapy candles.
About The Author: Barbara Brown writes for several web sites,
such as and