Spices - Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress - Facts and Fiction
match its exposure to free radicals then the body is said
to be in a state of oxidative stress. In this state,
unimpeded free radicals cause damage that can lead to
inflammation, immune dysfunction, DNA damage and,
potentially, a whole range of degenerative diseases.
Although most of us are not in a continuous state of
oxidative stress, we generally experience this unhealthy
condition on a regular basis as it can be precipitated by a
wide range of factors. These include psychological stress,
infections, drugs, smoking, pollution, radiation, excessive
exercise and obesity. Therefore we can all benefit from a
regular intake of an array of antioxidants that can "mop
up" excess free radicals as they are introduced into, and
produced by, our bodies. Moreover, as many antioxidants are
inactivated during the process of free radical
neutralization, they need to be continually replenished.
Our bodies do some of the work by producing their own
antioxidants, but we need to supplement these with
food-based compounds.
Many health products almost claim to be panaceas as they
contain large quantities of, what is claimed to be, a
"strong antioxidant". Often, this antioxidant is said to be
"more powerful" or "stronger" than other antioxidants. The
implication is, of course, that the product is all we need
to provide ourselves with antioxidant protection. This is
an incorrect and potentially damaging perception. Measured
against laboratory standards, one antioxidant may indeed
prove more effective - or powerful - than another, but this
is only true under certain conditions.
No one antioxidant neutralizes all free-radical species no
matter how potent that compound is. That is the most
important reason why we should not rely only on one or two
of them to deal with the multitude of free radicals that we
are exposed to. Some antioxidants need the protection and
synergistic relationships that can only be provided by
other antioxidants. Rather than taking an isolated extract
of any one antioxidant, however "powerful", we should be
ingesting a wide range of these vital compounds.
Beyond a certain threshold, any beneficial substance can
become harmful. Antioxidants are no exception, and yet they
are often consumed in dangerously high quantities.Vitamin
C, for example, is an essential vitamin and valuable
antioxidant. Taken in large does, however, it has been
found to damage DNA thereby increasing susceptibility to
cancer. Even the antioxidants produced by our bodies can be
damaging when present in excessive quantities. For example,
bilirubin and uric acid are both beneficial antioxidants,
but become dangerous when present in high concentrations.
Liver disease can, for instance, lead to the very high
levels of bilirubin that are responsible for the yellow
skin discoloration known as jaundice. Kidney disease and
gout are conditions associated with toxic levels of uric
The consumption of a wide array of antioxidants is
essential if we are to provide ourselves with comprehensive
protection against oxidative stress. As some of these are
effective against certain free radicals but not others,
consuming an assortment of antioxidants ensures that our
bodies are able to tackle all free radical species. This
enables the antioxidants to work optimally, as many operate
synergistically with one another. Vitamin C, for instance,
protects other antioxidants like vitamin E from being
neutralized by free radicals. Moreover, different
antioxidants tend to locate preferentially in different
types of tissues and cells. For example, melatonin, an
antioxidant hormone produced by the body (and also found in
some spices like ginger) can cross the blood-brain barrier;
a property that makes it particularly effective in
protecting brain cell DNA. The powerful antioxidants
lycopene and vitamin E are only effective in
lipid-containing areas, while yet other antioxidants work
more efficiently in the "watery" parts of tissues and cells.
The best way to obtain a wide variety of antioxidants, in
optimal amounts, is to eat an extensive selection of
antioxidant-rich foods. As a general rule, strongly colored
or strongly flavored plants contain the greatest quantity
and range of antioxidant compounds. Amongst the fruits, for
example, the richly colored berries, like blueberries,
cranberries and raspberries, contain many antioxidants as
do other fruits, grains and vegetables. However, it is the
spices that have the highest antioxidant concentrations of
all food groups and they are the best source of these vital
compounds - some contain over 25 different antioxidants!
Although all spices contain generous quantities of
antioxidants, those richest in these substances are
oregano, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, clove. In fact the top
five antioxidant foods in the USA (including all fruit and
vegetables) are these five spices!
By consuming anti-oxidant rich foods like spices with every
meal we provide our bodies with the best means to fend off
the relentless onslaught of free radicals and oxidative
Dr Keith Scott is a medical doctor with a special interest
in nutrition and complementary therapies. He has written
several books including "Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing
Power of Spices" and "Natural Home Pharmacy". Find out why
spices are the "Missing Links" in nutrition at: