Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Omega-3 is Truly a Wonder

The nutrition wonder of modern times - Omega-3 fish oil -
is overwhelmingly supported by scientific proof to correct
and prevent so many different health ailments that it is a
no-brainer to include it as one of your daily supplements
if not in your diet.

A partial list of health benefits would include:

. Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease

. Improves your memory

. Improves some forms of arthritis

. Helps people with asthma and allergies

. Protects against the symptoms of sinus infections

. Decreases depression

. Raises good cholesterol

. Lowers bad cholesterol


>From heart health to depression treatment to pregnancy
health, omega-3 benefits are too good to ignore if you are
interested in health. The benefits of fish oil are
well-known. With such an abundance of scientific data to
support the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids we don't
have to look too hard to learn what the benefits are.

First, we need to learn that fish oil contains two
important acids, EPA and DHA. Most of the benefit of fish
oil is found in DHA, so when investigating which omega-3
product to purchase be sure it has DHA and EPA. Since DHA
is found in much greater quantities in fish oil, that is
the number one choice in order to get the full benefit of
omega-3 fatty acids.

Benefits to Your Heart

Doctors and scientists believe that EPA and DHA omega-3
fatty acids, both of which are found in fish oil, may
reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Even the
American Heart Association and Food and Drug Administration
have come out with positive remarks about the potential
benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids in relation to heart

The fatty acids found in fish oil have been linked to
helping prevent heart disease, cancer, and many other
diseases. However, if you currently have any heart
condition, be sure to check with your doctor for the
recommended dosage.


DHA and EPA are crucial for optimal brain functioning and
development. The concentration of DHA in the brain is
higher than in other organ of the body.

Although it is not understood yet exactly why omega-3 acids
improve memory, the thought is that DHA helps to repair and
nourish brain cells. For instance, it has been found that
people who are chronically sad have low levels of
serotonin. DHA appears to regulate the serotonin, improving
a person's mood and even producing a calming effect.


Research has shown that DHA and EPA fatty acids found in
omega-3 supplements, particularly those containing fish
oil, may increase levels of good HDL cholesterol in the
blood stream, while lowering triglycerides.

Doctors and scientists believe that good HDL cholesterol
helps to remove bad LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream,
preventing artery-blocking build-up known as
atherosclerosis. So DHA and EPA fatty acids appear to play
an important role in improving your cholesterol levels.


Two leading neuroscientists recently announced that an
active lifestyle and a diet rich in the omega-3 fatty acids
found in fish oils help prevent the memory loss associated
with old age.


The facts are in - fish oil is a tremendous source of DHA,
which is needed by our bodies to improve functions such as
memory, our mood, and even suppress aggression. At the same
time, it fights things such as heart disease, high
cholesterol and asthma. Omega-3 is truly a wonder.

Carol Stack has written numerous articles. She lives in the
United States with her husband, three children, and various
dogs and cats. Carol and her sister Barbara have combined
forces to produce a website that focuses on healthy and
nutritious foods and recipes. You can visit it at: